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John Schneyer
Boca Consultants

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Employers beware

Click for the Economist Story

The story below (and at the link above) is something you want to consider not just when letting employees go but also when hiring and managing them through their careers. For many businesses, the information they have is more valuable than the physical products they make.

Give us a call, we can help.
John Schneyer
Boca Consultants

What departing workers take with them

IF YOU are losing your job, you might at least walk away with a competitive advantage. A survey for Symantec, an internet-security firm, suggests that some 60% of American workers who left their employers last year took some data with them. Respondents admitted that they had lifted anything from e-mail lists to customer information, with two-thirds of such workers using this stolen data in their new job. The most popular method of theft was taking hard-copy files (61%), while around half put data on an electronic-storage device such as a CD or USB stick. And it seems easy to do: 82% of departing employees said that no checks were carried out on what they had kept. Many also admitted to keeping electronic-storage devices given for their jobs, even PDAs and laptops.

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