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I am no longer posting to this blog. You can find all these posts and new ones at our redesigned web site:


I look forward to meeting you there.

John Schneyer
Boca Consultants

Speaking Topics

Need a speaker for a meeting, seminar, event? I am available to talk to your group. It could be just your office, or an industry or trade show. Keynote speaker or seminar. Not-for profit or For-profits are both encouraged to call for details or additional topics.

Sample topics:

Cost Cutting Using Systematic Problem Solving
Reducing Recruiting and Training Costs
Cost Effective Decision Making
Problem Prevention
Protecting Decisions
How to Eat an Elephant
Aligning Your Workforce to Increase Effectiveness
Networking for Long Term Impact
Team Building

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Boca Helping Hands - Bowling for Bread 2008

Lisa Elkan, Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union and Linda Gove, Executive Director Boca Helping Hands are the Chair and Co-chair of Boca Festival Days 2008

John Schneyer, Boca Consultants, volunteered at the 2nd annual Bowling for Bread to benefit Boca Helping Hands this past Sunday.

Some information on Boca Helping Hands:

Our Mission is

to provide compassionate service through food and assistance programs to individuals, families, and children to instill dignity and break the cycle of dependence.

Boca Helping Hands Provides...

Service: Boca Helping Hands provides services to benefit individuals, families, and children during times of need, emergency, or crisis.

Compassion: Boca Helping Hands serves with compassion in assisting people in need to help improve their lives.

Dignity: Boca Helping Hands fosters dignity, self-respect and self-esteem in everyone who seeks our services.

Independence: Boca helping Hands offers the resources necessary to help people in need gain independence.

Please visit their website at: http://www.bocahelpinghands.org/index.html for more information or to make a donation.

Event sponsors:

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